A few new pics

Slapped up a few new pics of Tru this evening. His “aunt Amy” came to see him over the long weekend and they had some fun together–the pics are kinda lame, so you’ll have to take my word for it. Tru, unfortunately, got some fever-thing going during the weekend. He went as high as 104°. He was mostly lethargic, punctuated by his usual rowdy self whenever the Motrin broke through. I don’t think the fever had anything to do with aunt Amy, but who knows. I heard she made boys feverish back in the day–maybe she’s still got the mojo. πŸ˜€

There are also a couple of pictures of our new purple door. We’re too cheap to buy real paint for the front door, so we used leftover floor paint from the upstairs. Yeah, that’s right. We’ve got a purple floor upstairs.

2 thoughts on “A few new pics

  1. But mismatched socks are still mismatched. This is more like matching your socks to your hat… πŸ™‚

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