To New England

I’m in Wenham, MA at Gordon College. I’m here for a week at a conference. Before I left home, Asher was just getting over the flu. The morning I left (Thursday), Truman got it. Today Amy got it. And I’m here. I don’t like being away from my family when they’re not well.

I’m doing pretty well, all things considered. Here’s the email I sent to my office about my drama in the sky on the way here:

Greetings from the future..

Just a quick note that I’m safe and sound at Gordon College in Wenham, MA. Nice place, though it looks like we’re in for thunderstorms later today. (pic from my room: )

Here’s my gripping Friday story: As our flight took off the runway yesterday, and began climbing to altitude, one of the passengers rang the flight attendant button. He was passing out in his seat, and they had to ask if there was a doctor on board (there were TWO doctors on board). They called the on-ground medics for updates and they gave the guy an oxygen thingy to breathe into and one of the doctors was all over the guy with the stethoscope and the blood pressure cuff. It was better than the in-flight entertainment!

Guess what? It was me!

I hadn’t had much water the night before, plus I accidentally doubled up on my high blood pressure medicine (it’s a diuretic), then I drank a big old coffee at the airport. By the time I sat down in my seat on the plane, I was tingly all over and and super lightheaded. I REALLY HATED ringing the flight attendant button, especially right as we’re taking off, but something was definitely wrong with me. I was getting closer and closer to passing out. Anyway the docs really helped, once they figured out what the deal was. The cure: eat pretzels and drink a ton of water. I set the in-flight record for bathroom breaks, that’s for sure.

Moral: don’t fly dehydrated!

Asher’s 3rd Family Day

Today was Asher’s 3rd ‘Family Day.’ That’s the anniversary of the day Amy and I met Asher (and he, us). We intended to have a nice little party, but Ashy had a fever for the last few days and we had to cancel. He woke up without a fever this morning, though, so by tomorrow he should no longer be contagious. Nice.

Anyway, it rained a lot here today. We had a little bit of cabin fever. One remedy was to go for a drive. Asher got cowboy boots to match his brother’s. They’re a real cowboy team now!

Lost tooth

Tru popped his first front tooth today. We talked about that, scrotums and pythons. You know, standard 6-year old stuff.

Tball hit

Good tball game tonight. Took the following video with our new Flip. The first one is kinda pixelated because of the lame digital zoom. This camera requires that you zoom with your feet, not with the buttons, apparently. Non-zoomed video is awesome.

The second one is without zoom. Much nicer.


{seesmic_video:{“url_thumbnail”:{“value”:””}”title”:{“value”:”Pukey “}”videoUri”:{“value”:””}}}

Moxie Java vs. Dutch Bros

I visit Boise, ID roughly monthly for a couple of days. I used (grudgingly) get coffee at a local chain called Moxie Java. Recently, an Oregon-based chain called Dutch Bros. has entered the Boise market, and they’re rocking it.

Moxie seems to be primarily a walk-in joint, though they do good drive-thru business as well. Dutch Bros is all drive-thru, all the time. No store space whatsoever, though some shops do have little seats outside a walk-up window. The biggest difference, though, is the quality of coffee. Every single Moxie store I’ve been to has served up coffee that’s barely palatable. For the longest time, I thought that’s just what Boise people liked. What else could explain the proliferation of Moxie Java joints all over that town? Then I visited Rembrandt’s and realized that good coffee did exist in the Boise-metro area (Rembrandts is in Eagle).

Since Dutch Bros started popping up in the Boise area (there are at least three that I know of), I’m guessing that Moxie is scratching their heads, wondering where all their drive-thru business has gone. I bet they have no idea how much people enjoy decent coffee.

Here’s my prediction: Within 2 years, Moxie will either:
1) close 50% of their stores
2) go out of business altogether
3) fix their coffee and save their business

Personally, I hope it’s #3. Moxie has a cool name and a great vibe in their stores. They’re locally owned, too. But I really think they won’t turn it around in time. I’m guessing they’ll reduce the number of stores by half within two years. I hope I’m wrong, but they’ve got to execute some heroic maneuvers to get out of this fix and salvage their brand.

OpenID is cool

Warning: geekiness ahead.

I’ve been using OpenID (via MyOpenID) for a while now, but I just found a sweet little app that makes it even better. Yadis is a WordPress plugin that allows you to use your own WP blog domain as your OpenID URL. So, is now my URL, rather than I like it.

Alternatively, if you don’t use WP but do use MyOpenID, you can configure your account to use a custom domain. This’ll get you something like: Also good, but still not quite as cool as the straight URL that Yadis provides.

If you don’t have an OpenID yet, go get one. You’ll want it eventually, because who wants to remember all those passwords? Here’s a list of OpenID providers.

No Arctic Ice By 2013 (or, time to paint your roof white)

I was reading the current issue of Orion last night. One article in particular really rang some bells for me. The article is called Snap Into Action For The Climate. The comment thread over there is pretty interesting, too.

As I read it, the point of the essay is that climate change is happening faster than anyone predicted. It’s quite possible that arctic ice will be gone within five years, and there is utterly nothing humankind can do to slow or reverse that trend. The feedback loops are in play, and are compounding one another. The outcome isn’t contested, just the timing and the consequences of the outcome.

From the article:

Actually it’s the so-called feedback loops that have tripped up scientists so badly, causing the experts to wildly misjudge the speed of the climate crash. Having never witnessed a planet overheat before, no one quite anticipated the geometric rate of change. To cite one example, when that brilliantly white Arctic ice melts to blue ocean, it takes with it a huge measure of solar reflectivity, which increases sunlight absorption and feeds more warmth back into the system, amplifying everything dramatically. And as northern forests across Canada continue to die en masse due to warming, they switch from being net absorbers of CO2 to net emitters when forest decomposition sets in. And as tundra melts all across Siberia, it releases long-buried methane, a greenhouse gas twenty times more powerful than even CO2. And so on and so on and so on. Like the ear-splitting shriek when a microphone gets too close to its amplifier, literally dozens of major feedback loops are screeching into place worldwide, all at the same

It’s important to note, as the essay does, just who is to blame: all of us…

But first, if there’s any good news surrounding the sudden and unexpected speed of global warming it is this: it’s nobody’s fault. New evidence shows that we were almost certainly locked into a course of violent climate snap well before we first fully understood the seriousness of global warming back in the 1980s. Even had we completely unplugged everything twenty years ago, the momentum of carbon dioxide buildup already occurring in the atmosphere clearly would have steered us toward the same disastrous results we’re seeing now.

What happens to Earth when there is no massive icecap to act as a giant Sun-reflector? How hot will the earth get? What reasonable options remain for humankind? In the comment section of the essay, I think many folks are either getting sidetracked about whether we can reverse climate change and/or what those options might be. The real question, in my mind, is much more local: how will this change impact the way I care for my family and community? Without an arctic icecap, what will Newberg, Oregon be like in 10 years? A town that’s been literally whitewashed in an effort to help the Earth’s reflectivity? A UV wasteland, unfit for habitation? Beyond that, what happens to poor nations without resources to get adequate food, let alone paint to cover their roofs?

And here we are in the middle of a Presidential election cycle. Where’s the debate over climate change? Who is taking a stand that makes a difference? I suspect that if there were significant differences between the three main candidates regarding climate change, we’d have heard them by now. As much as I like Obama, I’m utterly underwhelmed by his lack of vision in this arena. All three candidates are part of the system that just passed an initiative to establish a 35MPG initiative by 2020. Puhleeze. Where’s the vision in that? We’ll probably be crispy bits of carbon by then (is my doomsday showing?), but if cars are still around in 2020, they should be getting WAY more than 35MPG.

The whole thing leaves me wondering whether I should redouble my efforts to live more lightly upon the Earth, or just give up altogether. Does it even matter at this point whether I fly to Boise every month? Does it matter whether I drive a car or ride a bike to work? Whether we recycle our plastic and bring our own bags when we go to the grocery store to stock up on local, or organic, food?

In any event, if there’s still an Internet in five years, let’s come back to this post and see where we’re at.

Relay For Life

This’ll be the second year that Amy, Tru and Asher and I have done Relay For Life. If you don’t know, it’s a 24 hour relay around a track, in order to raise funds for The American Cancer Society.

Here’s the pitch: I’m trying to raise $100 by June 20, 2008. If you can help, please drop by my donation page and pitch in whatever works for you.

Here’s the gripe: why the heck does The American Cancer Society make this so hard? Why no embeddable widget that tracks my fundraising? It’s crazy! These are standard fundraising tools, but they aren’t available for RFL participants. I’d LOVE to put a little widget here that shows my fundraising thermometer, instead of sending you off through the interwebs over to my RFL page.

Okay, anyway, if you can help out with the fundraising, I’ll <3 you forEVAH!