Tax Cut Calculator

I looked for a McCain-based version to do an apples to apples comparison, but it doesn’t appear that they’ve put one out. If you know of a McCain branded calculator similar to this, let me know and I’ll slap it up here too.

King’s Mountain, Again

I’ve been up King’s Mountain before. This time though, I went with an old friend, Del, and Truman (and Frodo). We took it slow, but it was super fun, and Tru did great!

Truman wanted to carry my Camelbak for a while, so he carried it from just below the summit ridge up to the summit. Then he kept it on all the way down to the car. I think the weight made it a little tough for him on some of the descents, since he kept sliding, slipping and falling. But he had a really great attitude the whole time. It would’ve been easy to get grumpy, since we walked for a total of 4.5 hours, and experienced lots of weather from warm forest to chilly rain and fog at the summit. But he was a champ the whole time.

Funky Soccer

Asher had his second soccer “game” today. I missed the first one, but it sounded like he had a lot of fun. This time, not so much. I took this little movie with my phone on the field.

The Day Of Grease

I had no plans for actual labor this Labor Day, but it kinda worked out otherwise.

Amy went to work, while the boys and I had a plan to take a bike ride before Asher’s nap. Before we could ride, I had to fix the flat on my bike (lousy patch job on the last flat). Last time I had a flat on the rear tire, I just left it on the bike instead of messing with the chain. This time, I planned on actually replacing the tube, so I got a little greasy with the chain. Easy repair though.

Next step was to hook up Asher’s tag-along bike to my bike for the ride. He hadn’t ridden it much, and I wanted it to be in good shape for the ride. I’ll spare the details but it took a half a dozen tries at various configurations before I finally removed my rear rack and used old inner tube to shim the tag-along clamp. More grease and I’m kinda frustrated now, since it took longer than I expected.

Ready to go? Not quite yet. Truman’s bike is at his cousin’s house. Load up the other bikes, and go get Tru’s bike. Kinda late now…need some food. We head to McDonald’s for take out on the way to the park where we’re planning to ride.

Wait! WHAT’S THAT NOISE? Sounds like something is seriously messed up somewhere in the front of the car. Lotsa thumping, especiallly when I apply the brakes. Not good. We pull over into the nearest parking lot to investigate. I remember that while I was working on the bikes, I briefly saw Asher squatting near the front passenger side tire. I gently ask him if he did anything with the tire. “No”, he replies. I’m sure he’s the culprit. We’re stopped now, so I question further, assuring him that he isn’t in trouble. Our driveway is gravel…I suspect there might be rocks in the brake shoe. Asher finally gives it up and we do a quick walkaround the car. He shows me where he put two rocks into the wheel. I investigate further and sure enough, there’s a large rock wedged between the wheel and the brake. I can move it around with my fingers, but it’s not coming out easily. Looks like more greasy hands on the horizon.

I head to the back of the car, empty out the kids bikes, figure out where the jack and tire iron are (they’ve apparently never been used before this) and get to work jacking up the car and removing the wheel. I get four of five bolts off and the rock drops to the ground. I walk it back to Asher and hand it to him, saying gently but firmly, “Never do that again.” He gets it.

Put the tire back on, replace the jack and stuff where I found ’em, load the bikes back in, and finally head to McDonalds. A quick bite, and no further complications.

We had a real nice ride around Champoeg Park. The bike odometer says we went 7.4 miles, which was pretty good for Truman. He only had to push his bike up one hill, though I did put my hand on his back up a couple of others. Asher was a champ on the tag-along and loved every minute of it. He also got lots of admiring smiles as we passed people. Must’ve been his attire. The shorts and cowboy boots are a trademark.

Asher had a looong nap when we got home, too. It was a good day to end the summer. Truman starts second grade tomorrow and Asher starts preschool next week. Onward.

Pray As You Go

I haven’t been much of a consumer of podcasts. Usually I’ll load a series onto my iPod and listen for a bit, and never finish an entire episode. Most of my listening so far has amounted to business or productivity-oriented podcasts. Some are nicely produced, some not so much. Regardless, I haven’t really found a podcast that can hold my interest. Until now.

The Pray-As-You-Go podcast (iTunes) is a very nicely produced series made by British Jesuits that focuses on a daily discipline of contemplative prayer. Each episode is about 10 minutes long, and follows a fixed format. The podcast format combines music and the spoken word to guide you into a mental stance of prayerful reflection and contemplation.

If you sometimes have difficulty with prayer longer than 60 seconds, you might try this out. It’s a really wonderful podcast, and I highly recommend it.