Bodily fluid

I don’t know how many different bodily fluids Tru has in him. I do know that within a 30 minute time span today, he deposited two of them onto the floor.

We went out to dinner at Burgerville, but Tru didn’t want to eat anything. He just drank milk, milkshake and a couple slugs of Coke. Then we went grocery shopping. Things were fine until about halfway through the checkout. Amy was doing the checkout duty and I was keeping Tru occupied. You know, the usual grandstanding routine–balancing on my hand and watching the old ladies gasp. That kind of stuff. Tru starts drooling, which is pretty unusual for him. He’s pretty fastidious for a little kid. He doesn’t like stuff on his face, chews with his mouth closed and rarely drools. So Tru’s balancing on my hand and I notice him drooling. I bring him down to me so that I can wipe off the drool, when he turns on the puke faucet! A full-force stream of white projectile vomit bounces off my jacket and sprays the supermarket floor. I look up at Amy and she’s laughing her head off… I stand there stupidly, not knowing what to do next and stinking like sour milk. The cashier calls for a clean up and Amy catches her breath between guffaws to tell me to go to the bathroom and clean him up. Which I dutifully do. We stunk.

Once clean-up is accomplished, we all march back to the car (Amy’s still giggling), load up the groceries and strip Tru of his nasty, stinky, puke-clothes. One of the items that we bought today was a little kid potty thingy. Tru’s been acting pretty interested in the toilet, so we decided to take advantage of the situation. When we got home, Tru wanted to check out his new potty before he took a bath. Amy set it all up for him, but he wouldn’t let her put the boy-guard on because it obstructed his view of his penis. For those of you that don’t know, the “boy-guard” thing is just a shield that bounces the pee back into the toilet, rather than letting it go all over the floor. Like it did at our house. We were pretty stoked that Tru sat right down and went to town, but our joy was a bit dampened by all the pee on the floor for lack of the guard. Bodily fluid number two.

My hands are kinda dry right now from washing them so many times.

UPDATE: Tru ended up puking four times–twice on papa. Not sure what his problem was, but he didn’t have a fever and he was pretty energetic when he woke up the next day…