The wagon

Some of Amy’s coworkers bought Tru a big red wagon. We put it together over the weekend and he really digs it. He thinks riding is ok, but he really likes to get behind it and push while someone else is pulling. If you stop pulling he just digs in and pushes harder!

We tried a new look for church yesterday…it went over pretty well. Those Quakers aren’t as stuffy as you might think!

No mullet

Last night Amy trimmed Tru’s hair a little more, so the mullet is gone. Sorry, I didn’t get any photos to commemorate the mullet’s brief life.

Tru’s been working on his walk–he can do about 6 steps in a row, as long as he’s got a goal to walk toward. Food works well. He’s also got his wave down pretty good and he even knows when to use it. He’s been a pretty spontaneous clapper for a while now.

I’m surprised at how my baby-minding skills have become honed. I know when and what kind of poops he’s gonna have before he has ’em. The solid suckers come in the morning–we call ’em “rocks”, as in “Tru dropped a rock.” The loose stuff comes in the afternoon and is usually speckled with telltale signs of previous meals. We just call that kind gross, as in, “Oh, that’s gross.” Poops are pretty much time-based, though the other day I was coming close to convincing myself that I knew what kind he had just by the smell.

The stick

This afternoon Tru was playing in the backyard and he found a little stick left over from the deck-building project. He was having a good time with it, pointing at things, scraping the grass and waving it around. Needless to say, he also wanted to put it in his mouth. I started moving his hand away and saying “not for your mouth”. Of course he kept trying, but I kept moving his hand and saying the words. Pretty soon he stopped trying to put it in his mouth as much and if he tried, I didn’t have to move his hand. I could just say the words and he’d stop. Cool. My kid listens to me.


I decided to give Tru his own blog. But Amy and I will do the writing, thank you. Tru tried, but all we got was al,.//ajk;\`jkjbh.

Anyhow, this page probably won’t get updated as often as the bren : blog, but Amy and I will both post, so hopefully you’ll get some diversity in your reading.