Yeah, he got his first second* one today. His Grandpa Jim (my dad) gave him a bike a couple of weeks ago. It’s real two-wheeler with training wheels. He just rips around on that thing, but the training wheels don’t let him counter-lean on his turns, so when he goes too fast (as he is wont to do), he tips. Today he was leaving the driveway and turning left to go to the park. Instead of riding across the driveway, at a low angle, he went straight to the curb then tried to do a 90° Tron-style left turn. He went right down. I was on his left side and he tipped to his right. I grabbed for an arm, but he was moving too fast. As he went down, he turned and faced his fate, the rocky driveway. His little face bounced off the rocks (our driveway is inexplicably unpaved) as he skidded to a stop on his stomach. I picked him right up and saw he’d bloodied his nose and put a goose-egg on his forehead, despite the helmet. He was crying, of course, so we went inside and cleaned up. Then I told him his favorite story (a few times) while he snuggled and pulled together the courage to jump back on the bike. Which he did about ten minutes later…no worries.
* Amy reminded me that Tru’s first bloody nose was at cousin Sicily’s first birthday party–it was a party of firsts!