Cold fighter

Got some fresh new pictures up this evening… Check ’em.

Tru’s cousin’s were up from L.A. this weekend and all the kids (big and little) had a good time together…

Tru’s been fighting off a cold lately. Actually, he lost the battle, now he’s just fighting to get better. It’s thrown him a bit off kilter–he’s not his usual cheerful self. We went up to the snow today, though, and that helped!


Tru got a Mr. Potatohead for Christmas. He likes to wear Mr. Potatohead’s eyeglasses when he plays with him…it’s too funny!

We picked up a used bike trailer to drag Tru around with. I may even give it a try this evening when I take him over to Benny’s house…

The camera is in the shop again, or I’d slap up some Potatohead pics for you. Maybe later…

Merry Christmas!

Wow, I didn’t realize how long it’d been since I last wrote here (sorry Gram!). We finally got the digital camera back from the shop (sand damage–too much time at the beach, I guess), so I’ve been able to slap up a few new pics of Tru.

Our Christmas has been really nice. Tru raked in quite a haul, and seems pretty pleased about it. He got this crazy ‘Barney’ noise-making thing from his Nani that I wish could have stayed at her house. Barney is hard to take, but Tru loves it…

Amy’s folks and brother are flying in this evening, so Tru will be getting even more love than usual over the next week or so! More pics soon…

Sippy cup casualty

Well, we lost our first sippy cup today. Amy left it on the top of the car and just as she realized it, she heard a thump and saw it explode on the road… I’m sure it won’t be the last!

Tru’s picking up sign language and verbal words like crazy. Here’s what I’ve recognized him saying with sign language: out, please, more, all done. Verbally he says apple, all done, night night, amen, where is it, circle, papa, mama, ernie (one of our cats) and uh-oh. He knows what cows, cats, sheep and dogs say. He will brush off his hands when you ask him and he’ll blow his nose when you ask and hold a tissue up to his nose. He knows where his hair, nose, eyes, mouth and ears are. When he looks at all the pictures we have up on the fridge, he can point out different people when asked (he knows who Gram is).

Pumpkin patch kid part II

I slapped up a few of the SUPER CUTE pumpkin patch pictures… I can’t wait till the digital camera is fixed–scanning is a hassle.

We got some good shots of Tru’s Halloween costume too, but those pics still need to get developed. I’ll scan and post soon. He was an artist…Toulouse, specifically…

Pumpkin patch kid

We went to Amy’s work yesterday and took a bunch of pictures of Tru with pumpkins. The little kids at her school usually go on a field trip to a pumpkin patch each year, but budget cuts prohibited the trip this year. So a local farmer came out to the school and dumped a whole bunch of pumpkins out in their “Discovery Garden”. Amy’s boss said we could go out and get a pumpkin with Tru, so we did. We got some great pictures, but on Amy’s 35mm camera, since the digital is in the shop. I’ll try to get some scanned in though…

Swallowing spit

Tru’s doing a lot better today. He’s still not swallowing his own drool–he just lets it build up in his mouth until he laughs or tries to talk. Then the whole mess dribbles to the floor.

Other than that, he’s doing well–no fever and he’s got his usual cheerful spirit. Nice to have him back…

Wet tot

Tru woke up early this morning and just didn’t seem himself. Turns out that he’s got a sore throat, and it’s keeping him from eating and it wakes him up from naps when he swallows in his sleep. He doesn’t like it…

He really wants to eat, and he’s suffered through some ice cream and jello. I went out for some dinner for Amy and me and got some tater tots at TacoTime. Tru really wanted one, but he wouldn’t eat it so he just carried it around as a symbol of his pain! He’s in the bathtub right now, still holding the tater tot. He’ll move it from hand to hand, but he won’t give it up… Poor little dude…

Skinny noodle

Tru got his “one-year” shots the other day…he didn’t like it. He’s still got lumps on each leg. They don’t seem to bother him though. He’s in the 90th percentile for height and the 20th percentile for weight. The doctor said don’t worry about the weight because one turd could move him a couple dozen percentile rankings!

Basically though, he’s just a skinny little noodle. He’s getting super communicative, though not with language. Maybe it’s just a result of being around him so much, but Amy and I almost always know what he’s trying to tell us with his body language and some verbalization. It’s pretty cool.

Amy told me that the other day when she took Tru to daycare (more like 4-hour care), he leaned over to go to Jane-the-daycare-lady. Once Jane had him, he leaned over and gave Amy a kiss, then waved bye-bye to her! That’s a pretty big thing, because up until then, he was usually throwing at least a little fit when he got to the daycare place.


Today was a baby dedication at church, but we didn’t dedicate Tru. There are good reasons to dedicate babies but, in our situation at least, it seemed redundant. This wasn’t an easy decision, and I don’t think either Amy or I am fully comfortable with it. My sense, though, is that the discomfort stems from years of thinking that babies are dedicated–that’s just what happens. Now that we have a baby, we can think about it from a more personal point of view and it just doesn’t seem terribly meaningful or useful for Tru. A couple of minutes of “special time” up front seems to pale in comparison to the treatment he’s getting from family and friends 24 hours a day. That kid has a lot of prayer pointed at him already.