Day out with Thomas

Since Tru is such a freak for Thomas the Tank Engine, we’re going to surprise him with a train ride in June. I just ran across the link today and it sounds like something he’ll really dig. We may take his cousin Benjamin along too, since Benny’s parents will have a brand new baby to deal with by then…

As long as I’m writing here, I guess I’ll post a little update about Tru’s doings. He’s just generally a happy boy. His grandpa Jim gave him a new bicycle–a real two wheeler with training wheels! The training wheels aren’t working very well, so I’m going to have to fix them today. Other than that, Tru loves the bike. Although, the other day he was having such a hard time going to bed that he lost bike privledges, train privy’s, and more. And got some spankings from his mama. I wasn’t home (thankfully), but it didn’t sound like much fun for either Tru or mama.

You’d think I’d have become attuned to Tru’s bodily functions by now. Guess not. Though he wears “big boy” underwear all day, we put him in “pull-ups” during naps and at night ’cause he tends to forget about holding it when he’s sleeping. Rarely poops, but regularly pees. So the other day, I was waking him up to get him dressed for the day. It’s easier to dress him when he’s either sill sleeping, or after he’s had something to eat. Since we were running a little late, I figured I didn’t have time to work through the eating business–he could gnaw on something in the car. So I started changing him. Took off his pajama bottoms and pull-up and put on his underwear. I turned around to get his shirt and when I turned back, the yellow stain was quickly spreading across his underwear and starting to roll down his leg onto the bed! So I picked him up off the bed and luckily he didn’t pee much. I think my picking him up stopped the flow. Anyway, he was pretty bummed that he had already peed in his underwear, and it ended up taking as long to get him dressed as if I had waited for him to eat breakfast. Lesson learned, I guess.