Bush was interviewed by an Irish jounalist (the first such interview in 20 years). He didn’t come off sounding too good. Not surprisingly, there isn’t much press about it…
Unfortunately the video clip is loaded with commercials, but it’s worth watching. If you can skip ahead, go to around the six minute mark.
What an embarassment. I can’t wait for November. Have you seen Fairenhiet 9/11 yet?
Almost as embarassing as the current liberal crowd gushing all over Michael Moore as if he were speaking truth. Talk about an embarassment….To truth… 😉
I think I asked this before Jeff….Have you seen the movie? Have you even seen the trailer? How do you deny some of the factual clips in the movie?
Shoots, Lu… I didn’t see the Passion of the Christ and that didn’t stop *me* from arguing with Jeff. 🙂
There is no denying the clips. I wouldn’t do that anyway. Tape never lies does it? Never a spin on video? Hmm. Won’t see it. I don’t need to do heroin to know it’s bad for me. The funniest things I have read are from the people supporting the movie. Things like “even though his facts may not all be true, I still think the movie is a wonderful indictment of the Bush’s”. That’s sort of like basing my opinion of Clinton on Rush Limbaugh’s view point. I think you would call voters who do that stupid, uninformed, sheep, etc…. In fact, I think you probably have. 🙂
That’s a good point Bren. I do intend to see the Passion of Christ at some time.
Jeff, you mentioned Moore’s movie would be bad for you, like Heroin. Obviously no health risk in seeing the movie, unless you get that fake butter stuff on your popcorn. What is “bad” about the movie? No more edited than Fox news, or CNN. Progaganda? Sure, I guess it is. Like the propaganda that convinced most of America that Iraq had Nuclear weapons pointed down our thorats. At least Moore works in the field of entertainment, not “news”. It is really all propaganda, better to ballance your perspective. Go watch the movie (I am going tonight) and then we’ll have a real conversation about the issues the movie raises.
You missed my point. I don’t need to do heroin to know it’s bad for me in the same way I don’t need to see the movie to know it’s crap.
I don’t need to see the movie to have a real conversation about it or the issues it raises. I’d also say that the propaganda used to convince American’s of the nuclear threat are the same ones that led past Presidents to declare the same concern. They just didn’t do much about it. To say that it was all contrived by the Bush adminisitration is to ignore history.
Maybe the movie makes you think, but I would prefer to think with a more factual base than this. I suppose that’s why I don’t listen to Limbaugh either. He is the right wing Moore. What bugs me is that people embrace his propaganda as fact and ignore the actual or logical facts. I don’t see this as any different than someone on the left decaring the people who vote for Bush are uninformed fools who pay no attention to the facts or research the issues.
Got your point now. I don’t know why we even go down this road anymore. Anyway, to bring this full Circle, what was your take on the interview at the top of this thread.
My take is that Bush came off looking like a cad. No way around that at all. Hard to know the background and all, but he certainly was not at his best.
As to why we continue? Lu, we both are passionate about what we believe. We are both fairly well read. We both have strong opinions. I honestly don’t know what to think of Bush in a second term, there are a lot of things to consider. I don’t, however, subscribe to the conspiracies and all that go around. Seems like they were going around about Clinton too. Maybe I am looking through rose colored glasses, maybe not. I have some definite concerns about the direction the country is going, but they are more concerns with society in general than the leadership. (I don’t believe they are altogether connected.) You obviously have some concerns too. Good for you for caring. Good for me for caring. I am not likely to change any of your opinions, and that’s ok, but I do hope that I make you see other viewpoints and provide something that you wouldn’t normally get. So keep on….