Tru’s pretty much fully potty trained now. He still wears a pull-up to bed, but that ends up being dry about half the time. He lets us know when he has to go to the bathroom by loudly proclaiming, “I HAVE TO PEE!” or “I HAVE TO POOP!” Doesn’t matter where we are or what we’re doing. When he feels it, he lets us know. We’ve only had one accident when he tried to wait too long before letting me know he had to pee. Tru sounded the alarm, “I HAVE TO PEE” and started running for the bathroom. He’s usually able to take care of business on his own but this time I heard him whimpering in the bathroom. By the time I got there, he was crying and had wet his “big boy” underwear and pants. Really bummed him out.

Today, he “HAD TO GO POOP!” and he let me know he had “bug bites” in his tummy, meaning his tummy felt weird. So we went in and sat him down. He dropped one and said he was done. He stood up for the wipe and said “I HAVE TO POOP AGAIN!” so back down he went–and dropped another one. He did this twice more (one was a false alarm) before finally being done. I guess the “bug bites” went away too, since he’s not talking about them anymore.