
I was taking a walk with “the boys” yesterday (“the boys” being Tru, Asher and Frodo). When Amy saw us coming home, she said we looked like a tower of boy, since Asher was hanging off my chest in a front pack and Truman was on my shoulders.

Anyway, on the way home we were passed by a cop car with a K9 dog in the backseat, who barked at us on the way by. Apparently this was a visual first for Truman. He was sitting on my shoulders and as soon as the car passed us he said “Heydad, I just saw a dog going to jail. That’s sad.” I was barely containing my laughter as I explained about K9 cop dogs.

2 thoughts on “Jailbait

  1. I saw the title of this post, and was immediately curious as to what it actually contained. I’m happy to have found it “family friendly” 🙂

  2. I mentioned this to my sargent and he’d like to put it in the Sheriff’s Office’s weekly newsletter. Would that be alright? If it is, can we use your names?

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