UPDATE: I found my Mac solution! Here’s the resultant Google Earth file of the hike (kmz). It has everything embedded in one file: images with titles and comments, GPS track and topo overlay. Very cool. I think this is the final tech piece I needed for the blog post. Tomorrow I’ll make a track around town, or on campus, and take pictures, then do this again and post it to Slacker Manager.
I ran into loc.alize.us a while ago, but didn’t really understand it. Now that I’ve been messing around with geotagging photos, it makes a lot more sense. Here’s the recent King’s Mountain hike.
I’m trying to find the easiest way, with both a Mac and a Windows machine, to geotag photos and embed them into Google Earth KMZ files. There’s a PC app called Robogeo that does exactly what I’m looking for. But it’s a PC app. I’ll be trying it out, but I also want to find a similar app for a Mac. No luck so far.
I’m trying to find this stuff out because I think there’s a really good Slacker Manager post in there. Imagine you were traveling and you wanted to let your colleagues know about the good restaurant/pub/hotel/museum/whatever that you found in a given city. You’ve got your GPS recording your track and you take pictures of the places you like. You combine the lat/long from the GPS track with your images and you throw it all into a Google Earth file that you’re able to email around or stick on a webserver somewhere. That’s pretty cool, and pretty useful.