It’s been a while since Bren listed words that Tru says with definitions… as of a couple weeks ago he has ventured into sentences. “I want more soup” was the first official 4 word sentence.
Language acquisition is truly an amazing feat to watch! I can’t believe all the new things he says every day. Today we were playing with a bat and ball and he said, “My turn” when he wanted to play. He’s added “I love you” to his repertoire, but he’s also into saying colors so it tends to sound like, “I lellow.”
On to more tao…
We drive through the country every day to get to school/daycare. We pass several people that have cows, calves and/or horses on their property. I slow the car down so he can see them and say, “Moooo!” (one even Moo’ed back! Oh! What a day that was!!!). Sometimes when we start to leave he even says, “Bye bye mama tao. Bye Bye baby tao.” As soon as we speed up he says to me, “More tao mama, more tao.”
It’s super cute as long as the people who own the cows and (neigh neighs) don’t get suspicious of the white Subaru that stops in front of their house every day.