New tricks

Tru is learning some new tricks. He’s getting pretty good at balancing on one leg on my hand–I’ll have to get some pictures of that. Also, lately he’s been grabbing our pants or shirt and dragging us to where he wants us to be. If he’s hollering in the kitchen and we ignore him, he’ll come find one of us and drag us in there and then say something like “noke” (milk) or “nana” (banana). He’ll do the same thing if he’s tired of playing by himself–he’ll find one of us and drag us over to where he’s playing and start to engage us in whatever he’s doing. Yesterday I showed him how to grab my hand instead of my pants or shirt when he wants me to come with him.

I love that he does that. I just need to remember that whatever I’m doing at the time isn’t (usually) as important as letting Tru invite me into his world. It really is cool to get an invitation to play with him–even when it comes out as a demand to read him a book! Sometimes I have to consciously remind myself that I’d rather be playing blocks with Tru than reading whatever book or webpage I was just pulled away from.