
Just a quick pointer that I’ve refreshed Tru’s album–new stuff there.

He’s really been doing good with colors…has blue down pat, as well as green, purple, white and yellow. Pretty good with brown and ignores red. Shapes are coming along–circles are far and away his favorite shape. He picks them out everywhere, and makes circles with crayons and shows us.

Lately he’s been pulling our legs by pretending to be stuck somewhere and shouting, “stuck!” Today Amy went out to the living room after he hollered it and he was standing around–when he saw her he quickly got down on his butt and scooted his legs under the couch and hollered again…

We went on a walk the other day and I taught him to say “funk’s so rubba.” The “rubba” part comes out pretty clear, but the rest is kinda mumbled. Also, he digs ‘Bob the Builder’ so if we say, “Can we build it?”, he kinda hums “Yes, we can!”