Ran the 1.5 mile loop today, but pushed a little harder and ended up with an 8.12 pace. That’s good. I wish I could keep that pace on the longer runs. I’ll have to work up to it, I guess.
I’m also starting to pay closer attention to what and how much I eat. I notice sooner when I eat more than I really need, and I’m doing little mental calculations in my head when I snag a snack during the day. Not so much the caloric calculations (I still don’t pay attention to calories), but rather the balance of “healthy” vs “unhealthy” food. I try to end the day with a heavier balance of “healthy.” My stomach often objects, though, and tries to make me think I’m hungry when I’m not. Or tries to get me to eat a burger instead of a salad. Long road ahead, I guess. I’m motivated every morning when I take my weight/bodyfat measurements, but somehow it starts to wear off around 2pm.