Sippy cup casualty

Well, we lost our first sippy cup today. Amy left it on the top of the car and just as she realized it, she heard a thump and saw it explode on the road… I’m sure it won’t be the last!

Tru’s picking up sign language and verbal words like crazy. Here’s what I’ve recognized him saying with sign language: out, please, more, all done. Verbally he says apple, all done, night night, amen, where is it, circle, papa, mama, ernie (one of our cats) and uh-oh. He knows what cows, cats, sheep and dogs say. He will brush off his hands when you ask him and he’ll blow his nose when you ask and hold a tissue up to his nose. He knows where his hair, nose, eyes, mouth and ears are. When he looks at all the pictures we have up on the fridge, he can point out different people when asked (he knows who Gram is).