Something happened with Movable Type on the pintglass server. I still don’t know what it was…could have been something that the webhost did. I dunno. But that left me with a choice: I could try to figure out the problem with MT, or I could move this blog to another piece of software. Since the blowup with MT happened, I’d kinda played with the idea of moving to different software. But I liked MT so much that I figured I’d stay on that old version until it either stopped working, or wasn’t able to provide the functionality I wanted. Until then, I didn’t want to deal with the extra work of figuring out new software. So MT promptly stopped working. 🙁
For the most part, this post convinced me to move to WordPress, and educated me about GPL software. I’ve been happy enough with it, though I don’t like dealing with the new learning curve. WordPress does pretty much what MovableType did. It also does some cool stuff with RSS feeds… There is a ton of development action happening with WP, so I’m sure I’ll have plenty of things to play with.