A little something

Alright, after getting Matt’s kick in the pants in the comments of the last (over a month ago) post, I figure I ought to slap something up here. Though, I was just telling Amy at lunch today that I find it really hard to pull together enough creative juices at the end of the day to post to two blogs….forgive me if it gets kinda dusty around here.

The big news with Asher these days is that he’s crawling like crazy and his “pull up” skills are advancing quickly. He can crawl from across the room to the dog in about the time it takes for me to put down a book and save the dog. He can go from flat on his stomach to standing up while holding something in even less time. Today I watched him stand up while pulling sideways on a doorframe. He’s definitely figuring things out.

His latest skill acquisition is waving “bye bye” on command. You can just say bye bye and he’ll start flapping one arm around. Pretty cute.

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