Commute video

I’ve been thinking about videotaping my bike commute. I don’t know why I would do that, other than because I find my life so very interesting. There are tons of bike commute videos on YouTube, btw.

Anyway, if I do it, I’m going to set up the big video camera on the handlebars and the small video camera (really just my point-and-shoot that does digital video) on the rear rack facing backwards. That way I’ll be able to get the view in both directions. Doesn’t that sound oh-so-interesting? Yeah, I think so too!

I just tested it out with the small camera mounted on my top tube. Turned out okay. I used a small Gorillapod to mount it, and that seemed to work fine. I’ve also got the largest Gorillapod, which I can use for the big video camera.

When I edit the video, I’d like to have the final product be forward video on the left side of the screen and rear video on the left side of the screen, so that I can watch both directions at once (kinda like this). I don’t know how to do that with iMovie, though, so I’ve got some research to do.

4 thoughts on “Commute video

  1. Yeah, that’s going to be some real riveting video footage! You need to be talking, doing an entertaining voiceover, if you want me to watch it…

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