Riding to work

Had a great ride to work today. I did the same trick–parked in Sherwood and rode the 8 miles (Gmaps says 7.8, but my odometer says 8, so I’m going with that) to the office. I really need to remember to check my calendar before I head out. I got to work, huffing and puffing, checked my calendar and found that I needed to be in a meeting in Newberg later in the morning. Not so good.

Otherwise, the commute was fun. Cold out, but it only takes a half a mile or so to get nice and warm. I really love the idea of getting a nice workout while going to work! I get a workout and it doesn’t suck any time away from the family. Awesome. I wish I’d listened to Matt earlier!

Speaking of Matt-the-pintglasser, I should note that I am only the latest in a fine tradition of pintglass.org bike riders. Brandon’s been doing the bike to work trick for at least a year. Pintglassers are saving the planet!

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