A few days ago, driving in the car, Truman suddenly asks the following question: “Hey dad! If God is standing on the ground, can a bee fly over His head?”
Gulp. Our little philosopher. For the record, my answer, which seemed to satisfy him, was “Only if God wants it to.”
I thought you were engaged or nearly engaged when you left, though you are correct, I had arrived in Korea after your beloved had left. I will be checking out this blog in great detail–my greatest desire in life is to be an adoptive mother. I will probably have to take reading this blog in slow bits, however, as when I read about other people and the families that they have formed through adoption I tend to get emotional and start crying because I desire it so much for myself.
So Ben Longstroth and myself were thinking that you had done some undergrad at George Fox prior to transferring to Biola…
Oops! I just looked at the “about me” section and see I had remembered incorrectly your alma mater–Point Loma, not Biola. Sorry.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (Sorry it’s late)