Tru’s temper has been getting a little quick on the draw when he thinks someone is making fun of him. So today we tried working on alternative strategies for when he knows he’s getting mad. His base reaction is to stick his tongue out or spit at someone. That’s bad enough, but his “spider sense” about when people are making fun of him isn’t quite fully developed. Either that or he’s paranoid.
Anyway, I was coaching him on learning to stop when he felt himself getting mad, and then telling the person he’s mad at to “please stop because it’s hurting my feelings”. I told him that I was going to tease him and make him mad and that he had to try to stay calm and ask me to stop.
Instead what I got was, “Please stop or I’ll have to call you underpants head!”
Would this be a good option for me at work when I get mad? 🙂
Hint: before teasing, remove underpants from your head…
Well, I have two nephews at my house right now and they don’t speak much English, and I don’t speak much Korean. They threw my Gameboy on the ground in an argument so I got up and took it away. Non-verbal communication at it’s best.