Writing books

I wanna write some books. I’m going to start by writing about what I want to write about. Makes sense, eh? Some of this is pretty vague in my head and it’ll probably sound more vague here, but here we go…

First, something along the lines of “A slacker’s guide to the workplace” or “A slacker’s guide to staying employed.” It’d basically be a tongue-in-cheek guide on how to be a good employee. I entertain ideas of a “slacker’s guide” series…guide to being a manager, etc… I’ve actually written about a chapter and a half on this one. I had two big goals this year: launch finaidpro.com and write this book. The website is up, but at the pace I’m writing, I’m not too optimistic about finishing the book.

Next, a book about “conscious living.” Writing this book would be an education unto itself. I’d want to cover lots of ground with this one–decision making; financial awareness; spiritual awareness; environmental awareness; values awareness; etc. I’ve got an outline mostly finished, but each section would take a l-o-n-g time to research and write about, to say nothing of tying it all together.

The last one might actually be the easiest one to write. I’d like to write a book about being a dad. Particularly about being a dad to a kid like Tru–adopted from Korea. Having lived and worked in Korea, Amy and I have a unique perspective on raising a child of Korean heritage. Beyond that, I’d just like to write about what I’ve learned as a parent, the ways that my love for Truman is manifested (and vice versa, as I observe it) and how I hope to continue learning and growing as a dad.

Ok, now you know. So don’t be surprised when I start begging you to buy my books…