Productivity trio

There was a time when I was a complete honk for Getting Things Done, aka GTD. I first read the book back around 1999 or so, when I was working in Org Dev for a megacorp. I’ve been implementing, tweaking, and falling off the wagon ever since. I still think GTD is the seminal work in the field of personal productivity, but there are other shining lights. Two of my favorite are Mark Forster’s Do It Tomorrow and Mark Hurst’s Bit Literacy.

Anyway, these days I’ve kind of got my productivity schtick figured out. Not to say that it doesn’t need tuning from time to time, but I’ve basically settled on my toolset. Because of that I don’t really poke around the old personal productivity blogs or pay much attention to that space at all. Even so, the last week brought three interesting productivity-related items to my attention. Without much comment, here they are:

1. A drink company wrote a very thorough screed on using GTD with Evernote, called The Secret Weapon. Lots of people have taken a crack at this setup, but this is the nicest tutorial I’ve seen. Evernote really can be a universal capture tool for many people.

2. Mark Forster came out with a new time management system called Final Version. You can get the details by subscribing to his newsletter on his web site. I’ve looked at it, and it’s pretty straightforward. No special tools needed, and it can be easily implemented with pencil and paper. Might be worth looking at if GTD gives you fits.

3. Finally, speaking of GTD, David Allen has an article in the current NYT about the relevancy of GTD to today’s workers. Good reading.

Best DAI/Euro plug audio adapter cable for BAHA

If, like me, you’ve got one or more BAHA sound processors, you probably have searched for a decent direct audio input (DAI aka Euro plug) cord or cable to connect the sound processors to your iPod, iPhone, laptop, Discman, whatever. I’ve tried several and I’ve finally settled on the one I think is the best. I’m passing it along here because it’s probably easier to find than buried in the BAHA_PPL Yahoo group.

The one I’ve been using and enjoying the most comes from Oaktree Products and the item number is DPV1M. Here’s a direct link: That link goes to the bilateral version. If you only need one side (monaural), look for item number DPS800 or here’s a direct link: NOTE: I’ve got no financial interest in either the manufacturer of the cable, nor the retailer. I’m just a happy customer.

The reason I think this is the best DAI cord/cable is that the DAI connector is gold plated and the sheath covering the wires is rubberized. I do a lot of physical activity which invariably gets sweat around the BAHA units. Typical cords have a silver colored connector and it quickly starts to corrode and need cleaning/maintenance. The gold plated connector resists this kind of corrosion better. The rubberized sheath is very similar to current iPod earbud cables, which resist tangling when coiled. They are very nice. The best part is that my binaural cord is cheaper than the monoaural cord sold by And doesn’t even sell a binaural cord (as of this writing…I heard it’s in the works).

The one catch to all this is that the seller of the cables, Oaktree Products, is a wholesaler to audiologists. So you’ll need to either be an audiologist or have your audiologist put in the order for you. Their shipping was pretty quick–I ordered a couple of cables and had them within a week. These cables are so good that I never want to run out (in case of loss or damage), so I think I’ll be ordering up another couple pretty soon.

How to create a new route in Runkeeper with a GPS data file

The problem: is a great service for tracking runs, but sometimes you want to create a new route based on a data file you might have. Currently (August 2011), there’s not an obvious way to do that. By default, Runkeeper wants you to physically map out routes using their mapping tool. That’s great for short routes on roads, but it’s less practical for longer trail runs.

The solution:
Here’s the tl;dr version…there only five steps:

  • Get your data file into GPX or TCX format.
  • Upload your new GPX/TCX file as a new (fake) activity to Runkeeper.
  • Go to your new activity and select “Create as route”.
  • Delete the new fake activity.
  • Go run!

Here’s the longer version…

  • Get your data file into GPX or TCX format. GPS data comes in a lot of weird formats. Runkeeper will only consume two of them. Here’s a recent personal example. I was traveling to Boise, ID and needed to do a 16 mile run, preferably on trails. I found a run, but the format was Google Earth’s KML format. I just grabbed a copy, went over to GPS Visualizer and converted the format over to GPX. If you’ve got some crazy original format that GPS Visualizer can’t convert, try downloading GPS Babel and using it to convert your file.
  • Upload your new GPX/TCX file as a new (fake and temporary) activity to Runkeeper. If you’ve used Runkeeper at all, this will be a familiar process, though not one that you’ve likely tried before. Just hit the big blue ‘Post New Activity’ button, as usual. Indicate your activity type and your equipment type should be ‘none.’ Hit next. On the following screen, select the ‘Import Map’ button in the center of the screen. You’ll see a prompt to select a file that’s located on your computer. Click the ‘Choose File’ button to navigate to your newly converted GPX file. If all is well, your screen should quickly change to display a map with what looks like your new route. Hit the ‘Next’ button. Here’s where you’ve got to fake out the system a bit. Input a time…use 1 hour just to be simple. You might make a note in the “How did it go?” field just to say this is a temporary placeholder. Hit the big blue Save button.
  • Go to your new fake temporary activity and select “Create as route” from the bottom left corner of the map. Now go to your activity stream and select your newly added (fake) activity. Down at the bottom left corner of the map you should see a link in small blue text that says, “add to your routes.” Click it. Input your route info and hit save.
  • Delete your new fake temporary activity. Now go back to your activity stream and delete your fake activity by selecting the activity and clicking the ‘delete’ text link in the upper right corner above the map.
  • That’s it! You’ve just hacked Runkeeper to create a new route from a GPS file. Go run!

Relentless Forward Progress

I’ve been running lately. I’ve run a bunch of 5k races in the past, but usually right off the couch…no training. I’d been floating around without a goal, so I figured that training for a 10k would be a good one. I used a training program on to get ready, and it worked great. It ended up that I couldn’t run the race I’d registered for, but that was okay. I’d been running plenty of 10k’s all by myself.

Anyway, after training for the 10k I needed a new goal. That’s pretty easy to figure out, since it’d just be the next distance up from a 10k which is a half-marathon (13.1 miles). It doesn’t take a genius to see that it’s just one distance after the next. The thing is, I don’t really have any interest in running a road marathon (26.2 miles). I do, however, have an interest in running on mountain trails. So I started looking into trail running which led me to learn about ultramarathon running, which usually happens on trails. So here’s my secret: I’m kind of interested in running an ultra.

So, in the course of looking around and trying to find more info, I ran into The proprietor, Bryon, recently wrote a book about training for ultras called, Relentless Forward Progress. My copy arrived about a week ago, and I’ve been devouring it. It’s been an easy read, but full of great information from a wide range of runners. The book has several essays from elite ultrarunners, along with some super practical advice on training, nutrition, and equipment. It’s been a completely worthwhile purchase, and definitely a book I’ll be referring back to frequently.

I wasn’t sure how this post would factor into the simplicity focus of this blog but, as it happens, ultra running tends to be at the forefront of the minimalist movement in terms of footwear and gear. Guys like Tony Krupicka really epitomize minimalism and ultra running. Tony in particular tends to barely attend to hydration and nutrition on his long training runs. I’m definitely not quite there, but I understand what he’s doing in terms of trying to acclimate his body to being able to function under extreme hardship. Highly commendable.

I wouldn’t classify myself as a minimalist runner, but I’m testing out whether shoes with a lower “drop” have any value to me. In the past I’ve always run in standard running shoes which had a heel significantly higher than the toe. This differential between the ball of the foot and the heel of the foot can be as much as 12mm. I’m currently running in a pair of Inov-8 Road-X 255‘s. As I write this, I’ve got about 80 miles on them. They’ve been a fine shoe, and though I’ve got no complaints, I’m also not the most sophisticated evaluator of running shoes. I’ve been intentionally conscious about my running form, and trying plant my foot under my hips rather than land on my heel as I run. I think I’ve been doing okay with this, but it’s kind of hard to coach and evaluate myself!

I’ve got several friends who run in Vibram Five Fingers, which I personally find aesthetically abhorrent. I’m sure it’s a fine shoe, it just looks ridiculous to me. Which of course has no bearing on whether a shoe is a good performer on the road or trails. The big benefit to the VFF shoe is the ‘zero drop,’ or the lack of differential between the heel and the forefoot. This lack of drop is not unique to the VFF, as there are several shoes on the market with the same quality. I’m guessing that Vibram is marketing the independent movement of toes as a differentiating factor among its offering. Whatever. If the VFF shoes work for you, and your dignity can absorb the blow, more power to you. I’ll find other options.

An Internet Literacy

I think this post on better Internet literacy is just right on. Especially the question about ‘what are the 10 things we wish everyone on the Internet knew.’ I’m not sure I can come up with a full ten things, but here’s a shot at it, and I’m poaching some of the things the original author mentioned…

  1. The value of using multiple browsers
  2. How to sync bookmarks across browsers (and good use of bookmark toolbars)
  3. How to read URLs (in order to thwart spoofing)
  4. The importance of strong passwords, and how to construct unique, easy to remember passwords
  5. How to use an online bookmarking service (and why)
  6. Basic security when using public WiFi
  7. The basics of online presence and reputation

Relatedly, this post about eight critical skills for the future is also right on the money. The skills listed are sort of higher level thinking, but important nonetheless:

  1. Communication management
  2. Reputation management
  3. Privacy management
  4. Information management
  5. Opportunity management
  6. Technology management
  7. Relationship management
  8. Legacy management

Others have also mentioned the lasting importance of two ‘old school’ skills: time management, and money management. That sounds right to me…as long as time and money are in short supply for individuals, these skills will be critical.

How to be a graceful receiver

How many times have you been out to dinner/coffee/whatever with someone and tussled over the bill? Sometimes a perfectly nice get together can be spoiled at the end by two people insisting upon bestowing their generosity upon their friend, and neither stopping for a moment to gracefully accept the gift. Such a bummer. And notice I’m talking about simply being graceful rather than grateful. Being graceful is an outward expression; being grateful is an internal posture (though can often be gracefully expressed).

It happened again to me today. Went out for lunch with relatives for one person’s birthday, and the birthday person insisted on at least paying for some of the lunches. I told them, there are 364 other days during the year where you’re welcome to buy me lunch; please let me give you this gift. To no avail. Sometimes you just have to shrug and let the steamroller do it’s thing.

It got me thinking about when I’m on the receiving end of that kind of proposition. I like giving gifts as much as the next person, but sometimes it is good to be a receiver. It’s not as natural, though. Givers are in control, receivers not so much. I think resistance to a gift is probably the receiver’s attempt at wresting back a little bit of control from the giver. Anyway, I’ve got some rules that I try real hard to follow:

1. If someone insists on treating me, and I’m not expecting it, I’ll politely decline. If they insist, I’ll ask whether they’re sure (the answer is always yes by this time), then I will thank them and accept.
2. If it’s a larger ticket item, like lunch or dinner, I’ll accept with the caveat that they allow me to get the tip. This almost always works, and we both leave feeling good.
3. If the deal is scheduled in advance, ie, someone says, “I’d like to take you out for coffee” then there’s no demurring and only an honest “thank you.”

Not to beat a dead horse here, but I really do think there’s a difference between being grateful and graceful. We can be graceful through practice, without a grateful heart it’s a hollow discipline. Learning to be grateful makes it easier to be graceful.

Neckties are for heathens

I don’t wear neckties. Haven’t for years. The last time I wore a tie was probably 8 years ago. One of my previous bosses died, and I had a ton of respect for her, so I suited up and went to the funeral. Haven’t worn one since.

Fortunately I work in an office where nobody really blinks if I come to work in a hoody. Even for me, though, a hoody is a bit lowbrow for work. And I’m careful to look at least marginally reputable if I’ve got visitors scheduled. But no neckties.

Heres’t the deal. I loved neckties back in the day. A nice tie made me feel like I was going to work, man. Reputable and responsible, and all grown up. A man to be reckoned with, even if I did drive a VW bus. Jiminy, I was such a tool. Anyway, neckties. After a while I started having a hard time spending $50 on new ties (I know…). And close on the heels of that revelation came comfort. I could not believe that the IT guys didn’t have to wear a tie to work! Even the marketing guys were squeaking by without ties, on Friday at least. So I took a bite of that forbidden fruit and I liked it. It had everything to do with comfort and nothing to do with theology. Who said anything about theology, you ask? Hold onto your hat, we’re getting there…

There is a whole Quaker theology about “plain dress.” I think it’s weird, and I’m a Quaker. What I find most odd is that there are some people who are so serious about this that it becomes their “idol.” Which kinda seems to defeat the purpose. My guess is that those folks are in the minority, though, which is why they stand out. Anyway, I think there’s something worthwhile about dressing plainly as a statement of faith and solidarity with those who are unable to dress any other way. Scott Holmes wrote a great essay about his own experience as a lawyer and Quaker and refusing to wear a tie in court. He makes many good points, but I resonate most deeply with his comments about the ways a necktie can become a class barrier between people. Guys with ties can easily be perceived as being in a different (read: better) class of people than those without.

For me, what started out as a comfort rebellion many years ago, has since aged into a pretty clear sense that by wearing a necktie I’m erecting a barrier between myself and others. Christ calls us to live among people, not apart from them, and it’s my sense that for me alone, neckties as daily work apparel get in the way of my ability to serve those to whom I’m called. There is a balance, though. People expect me to have some degree of expertise in my field and, like it or not, what I wear can help ease anxiety. If I look and act like a “professional,” I’ll have an easier time working with those who seek my assistance. If I look like I just got back from the skatepark it’ll be more difficult to quickly gain trust.

Image credit: Touzeen Hussain

When to tweak the system

Nice short, pointed post over at A. King in Society about being being productive and tweaking productivity systems. I sometimes get sucked into the trap of tweaking systems and it’s definitely a game of diminishing returns. And, after all this time of trying stuff out, being on the GTD bandwagon, and falling off, and getting back on, I still can’t really put my finger on when it’s really necessary to tweak the system.

For my own part, I’ve been very happy for quite a long time with Taskpaper on my Mac and iPhone. It’s simple, fast, and synchronized. I saw that Notational Velocity allows a basic strikeout using an @done tag, and I checked it out to see if it could do strikeouts with something like @done(2011-03-30) which it can’t. I could’ve spent more time hacking up a workaround just to get my task list into NV, but I didn’t. That’s where I’m different today than I was even just a couple of years ago.

I don’t really have any groundbreaking information that hasn’t been shared by others. I guess I’ll just leave you (myself, really) with the encouragement to be mindful about the work at hand. Keep an eye on the 80/20 and aim for the 80% to be actually getting stuff done, and not just moving deck chairs on the Titanic. That is all.